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Here's One Way to Run A Construction Company

Here's One Way to Run a Construction Company

There’s not much in the construction and contracting world that Command Post co-founder Peter Lasensky hasn’t done.  Since running his first business at age 16 painting houses in Oceanside, NJ, he’s been learning lessons all along the way – usually the hard way. Now with 40+ years of experience owning and running construction companies, as well as creating software and services to help other large and small contracting businesses, he’s got a blueprint for that crucial project so many construction firms never quite nail – how to build your own success.
Peter knew he needed to create "One Way To Run A Construction Company" when his residential construction business in Philadelphia grew rapidly to 65 employees – and he realized things were getting out of control. Every builder knows what happens when you try to create something without a solid plan. Over decades, Peter’s honed his detailed roadmap complete with policies and procedures for running a construction company – and now he’s sharing it with you, too.


  • The data entered into Command Post is already being entered somewhere else today. So employees will enter the data into Command Post where it can be used over and over in many reports instead of needing to re-enter it.

  • Command Post is a central database that makes it easy to find information about any project, at any time, from anywhere, no matter what stage the project was in. Our solution retains project records forever in a central database whether it is a small project, large project, recent project, or project completed a long time ago.

  • With Command Post, each bid and re-bids are tracked separately.

  • With Command Post, you will be able to eliminate  spreadsheets and track all the information in one place. And since it’s a database, information only needed to be entered once, and it is automatically shared with all of the reports instantaneously.

  • By uploading WIP reports monthly into our solution, you can see month-over-month profit trends on each project, and receive automated notifications if profits on any job varies more than an amount you specify.

  • As a centralized project database, Command Post tracks contract dates AND the actual dates as reported from your team, and displays this on a gantt style chart making it easy see which supers and project managers are available to take on the new jobs and assign them. Assignments are automatically emailed to the person who was assigned.

  • Our solution automatically assigns job numbers to all bidding projects and also provides a place to store alternate numbers for contracts, thus eliminating any questions or confusion related to job numbers.
    Our numbering protocol allows you to use a prefix, such as the calendar year, and an automated sequential job number. You can use system-created job numbers to identify documents, and in naming file folders in SharePoint.

  • Command Post is able to automatically create folders in SharePoint to store bid documents, original contracts, and change orders. Automatically created folders in SharePoint saves hours each week, while a link to the files in our software eliminates the possibility of people going to the wrong place to retrieve project files from SharePoint.

  • Our solution addresses this by providing a smart contact database that synchronizes contact information across all connected apps.

    • Current contact information is available to everyone in the company including business development, estimating, operations, and finance.

    • You can send requests to your contacts for review and to update their contact information.

  • Our solution provides actual results which you can compare to your plan.

    • Automated reports provide real time information and eliminated the time and drudgery of manually preparing analytical reports.

    • The granular nature of the automated analysis allowed us to identify the best projects. Focusing on our project “sweet spot” allowed us to increase profits without adding personnel.

  • With Command Post, automated reports streamline this process.
    Work in progress report: provides a company financial forecast based on your construction backlog and the time it will take to complete it, and that you have the management resources required.   

    Bids pending report: provides bonding companies a list of the pending proposals your firm has submitted, and the potential impact to your capacity, if they are awarded to your firm.

    Bid due report: provides bonding companies a list of the projects your are currently bidding so they can assess new projects potential impact to your firm's capacity.

    Completed projects report: quickly search completed projects and provide a report to bonding companies that demonstrates your experience on a type of project. Particularly helpful if the bond you are seeking exceeds your current bonding line, and you are seeking an exception. 

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