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One app to connect your apps(TM)

Automatically add contacts and projects into Procore. Avoid double entry of data and save time.
Automatically add contacts and estimates into QuickBooks. Avoid double entry of data and save time.
Automatically create folders in SharePoint. Sync contacts with Outlook. Avoid double entry of data and save time.

Save time and aggravation by entering information once, and having it go to multiple apps automatically

Procore integration

Automatically create projects in Procore

As projects are won, Command Post automatically creates a project in Procore. Save setup time and avoid errors. 

Sync contact information

As new contacts are added, Command Post automatically adds or updates the contact information in Procore. Save setup time and avoid errors. Visit Command Post in the Procore Marketplace 

Automatically Create Job Numbers in Procore

As projects are bid, Command Post automatically numbers projects. Save setup time and avoid errors. 

Contract Dates

View project progress dates as compared to contracted dates to monitor potential late projects to avoid late fees (LDs). 

QuickBooks online integration

Automatically Create Projects in QuickBooks

As projects are won, Command Post automatically creates an estimate in QuickBooks. Save setup time and avoid errors. 

Automatically Create Change Orders in QuickBooks

As change orders are approved, Command Post automatically creates an approved estimate and invoice in QuickBooks. Save setup time and avoid errors. 

Sync Contact Information

As new customers and vendors are added, Command Post automatically adds the contact information into QuickBooks. Save setup time and avoid errors. 

View Project Financial Health

Command Post compares cost to date from QuickBooks against reported progress on each project providing a quick view of how the project is doing financially.

Microsoft 365 integration


Automatically create folders and access project documents stored in the cloud and on your local drive.

Dynamics 365

As new customers and vendors are added, Command Post automatically adds the contact information into Dynamics 365. Save setup time and avoid errors. 


Import companies, contacts, and project with Excel. Export all custom report data in Excel.

Outlook 365

As new customers and vendors are added, Command Post automatically adds the contact information into Dynamics 365. Save setup time and avoid errors. 

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